Fire & Materials Research Lab
33025 Industrial Road
Livonia, MI 48150-1619
T: 586.596.6736
- Materials Engineer/Certified Fire Investigator
- Principal Engineer
- PHA Leader and Scribe
- Process Incident Investigator
- Staff Metallurgist
- Support Staff/Lab Technician
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (Jeol JSM 5800 LV) with EDS including x-ray dot mapping
- Stereomicroscopy (Nikon SMZ800 with digital imaging)
- Metallographic sample preparation
- Nikon Epiphot metallograph with image analysis software
- Moisture analyzer (AND MX-50)
- FTIR (Perkin Elmer Spectrum 1000)
- Cone Calorimetry (ASTM E1354) with video
- Flash point (Tag Open Cup (ASTM D1310), Tag Closed Cup (ASTM D56)
- Fabric Flammability (Children's sleepwear (16 CFR1610) Vertical small scale)
- UL 94 V-0, V-1, V-2 Test with video recording
- Oxidizer bench-scale screening test (NFPA 400 Annex G)
- Combustible metal screening and burn rate test (UN Test N.1, NFPA 484 Chapter 4)
- Self-heating test (UN Test N.4)
- Loss on Ignition (ASTM C25)